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The Heart + Honey Equinox Experience

Anne Alloway

Posted on March 21 2018


In the Northern Hemisphere, the March Equinox represents the starting of Spring and a time where the energies of new birth and creativity are at their highest. Equinoxes happen twice a year and occur when the hours of light and dark are equal. There is rich symbolism associated with this event, which makes the Equinox a wonderful time to celebrate the duality of life.

The 2018 Vernal Equinox in the northern hemisphere occurs on March 20th, and is the perfect time to honor all areas and aspects of your life and the circumstances that surround you. It is a time to bring acceptance to your life, and rather than pass judgement over what is good or bad, instead honor the process.

Utilize this year's Equinox to honor the growth and the pain, the light and the darkness, and all the experiences that have made you who you are today. It is the perfect time to find peace with the journey you are on.


Our Equinox Box brings everyday magic into your life with the Goddess Box by Frequency Sprays - In this kit you will find everything you need for a wonderful equinox ritual. Included are an all natural soy candle, botanical bath salts with pure essential oils, a palo santo and lavender smudge, and a moonstone for harnessing Luna’s energy.



We have included a beautiful Abalone Shell Smudging Dish to contain your smudging wood and herbs


and of course the Air Pressure Clitoral Stimulator By Aphojoy. If you've never tried one of these before - its a completely different vibrator experience, one you are sure to love, and a well suited complement your Heart Honey vernal ritual.






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